Wednesday, September 16, 2009

The Zoo

Here are a few pictures from a field trip our class took to the zoo. I loved this little hummingbird. I couldn't get enough of him. I love animals and how different they are from us. Enjoy!


Well, I haven't blogged in a while, I'm going to try to do better. These were taken right before I graduated. This is my fellow photographer friend Victoria Bentley. I really enjoyed this shoot and feel I got some great shots. Here are two from the shoot. I may put up more later. This was the first time that I used off camera flash on my own. I have used it many other times assisting photographers but never did it myself. I think they photographs turned out good and I definitely love the off camera flash. Now all I need are Pocket Wizards...

Tuesday, June 23, 2009

A bugs life!

Here are some little creatures I found in my backyard that seemed to like my company. The ants were so hard to get because they move so fast, but the yellow jacket just sat on a leaf for me.

Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Where's the gold?

So this past Friday I was sitting inside on the computer and my dad comes in the door telling me that I have got to get outside with my camera. So I jumped up and grabbed my camera. When I got outside this is what I saw. It is hard to capture such beauty through the lens of a camera, but I tried. Enjoy.

Thursday, May 28, 2009

Its almost the end!

Well, I haven't blogged in a few weeks but here I am. School is just starting back this week and I feel like it is almost over. Just two more months until I graduate from CVCC and start my new venture in photography. I have a few brides lined up for bridal portraits soon and a few newborn sessions coming up. I will be moving to Raleigh in August so I am trying to fit a lot into my last 2 months of living here in Hickory, but also trying to enjoy a my fleeting time here as well. So far this summer has been very eventful and relaxing. The relaxing part will soon end, probably next week! I'm very excited about this semester and the new adventure ahead of me. 

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Baby Kenna!

Baby Kenna was such a good little model. She came in just for our class to photograph. She was a little fussy and we couldn't get her to sleep for anything. But she was a pleasant little newborn to photograph. I hadn't ever photographed a baby like this so it was a new experience for me. She finally went to sleep at the end of the shoot and we just took as many shots as we could get of her.